Location: 14480 Washingtonville Road, Salem Ohio 44460
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 236 Washingtonville, Ohio 44490

Hunting the club property is reserved for "Members Only''.
Guests are not permitted.
Tree stands (non permanent) and blinds are permitted.
Your BCSC Membership card is your “permission to hunt” should you be stopped by the Game Warden. You should always carry your BCSC Membership card when on club property.
If you are asked to show your membership card by ANY member while on club property, do not be offended. It is one of the ways we keep trespassers off of our property.
On the back wall of the meeting room is an aerial map of the BCSC property that may be helpful in learning the general layout of the BCSC property and determining BCSC property lines.
The range will be closed during ALL "Deer Gun Seasons
HUNTERS are NOT permitted to hunt on the Outdoor Range at any time. That means if ''NO ONE'' is using the range, or if the Range is closed, it is still ''NOT PERMITTED'' to hunt on the Outdoor Range. Hunters are NOT permitted to hunt on the Outdoor Range "AT ANY TIME".
A ''NO HUNTING ZONE'' has beeen established around the range and has been marked and posted in the near future. It will be roughly 30 Yds on each side of the range from the tree line and extending into the woods. Everyone is urged to respect this zone for everyone's safety.
Hunters using dogs are asked to make every attempt to keep your dogs away from and off of the range. Hunters who are hunting the perimeter of the range and surrounding areas are urged to heed the "NO HUNTING ZONE" signs. Always stay at least 30 yds away from the range and keep in mind that you are near the range when shooting. Know what is beyond your target. There could be shooters on the range. Members should always use the THREE C's when hunting or shooting. They are: ''CAUTION, COURTESY AND COMMON SENSE''